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F16 Fitness - Give us 30 days and you will be Fighter Pilot Fit !

F16Fitness is the answer to health and wellness, that you have been looking for all these years. Taught by a real Air Force Fighter Pilot, you are going to get in the best shape of your life with 6 thirty minute workouts a week (one day rest) for the next 30 days with NO equipment required! Watch the video below for more info.

F16 Fitness – Give us 30 days and you will be Fighter Pilot Fit !

F16Fitness is the answer to health and wellness, that you have been looking for all these years. Taught by a real Air Force Fighter Pilot, you are going to get in the best shape of your life with 6 thirty minute workouts a week (one day rest) for the next 30 days with NO equipment required! Watch the video below for more info.

Have you found it yet?

  • Are you looking for an exercise program that you can do anywhere?
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” I capitalized on principles I learned from Special Forces troops in Iraq. They learned to train with NO equipment, in very SMALL environments, with VERY LIMITED time. It’s a combination of these principles, along with my experience as a fighter pilot, and a health and fitness professional that have led to the creation of the F16Fitness program. ”
LtCol. James T. Reeman

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