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F16 Fitness - Give us 30 days and you will be Fighter Pilot Fit !

F16Fitness is the answer to health and wellness, that you have been looking for all these years. Taught by a real Air Force Fighter Pilot, you are going to get in the best shape of your life with 6 thirty minute workouts a week (one day rest) for the next 30 days with NO equipment required! Watch the video below for more info.

F16 Fitness – Give us 30 days and you will be Fighter Pilot Fit !

F16Fitness is the answer to health and wellness, that you have been looking for all these years. Taught by a real Air Force Fighter Pilot, you are going to get in the best shape of your life with 6 thirty minute workouts a week (one day rest) for the next 30 days with NO equipment required! Watch the video below for more info.

Have you found it yet?

  • Are you looking for an exercise program that you can do anywhere?
  • Are you looking for one that you can do within 30 minutes ?
  • Are you looking for a program that you can see dramatic results without equipment?
  • Are you looking for a program that will spare you the expense of a gym membership or personal trainer?

F16Fitness is designed to get you started on an exercise program. No need for equipment, no need for expensive gym memberships, no need for crazy amounts of time.

” One thing fighter pilots know, is how to get fast results!”
LtCol. James T. Reeman

F16Fitness get in, get on, get done…

” I capitalized on principles I learned from Special Forces troops in Iraq. They learned to train with NO equipment, in very SMALL environments, with VERY LIMITED time. It’s a combination of these principles, along with my experience as a fighter pilot, and a health and fitness professional that have led to the creation of the F16Fitness program. ”
LtCol. James T. Reeman

F16Fitness is designed by a real life fighter pilot who has to be in great shape, to do what he does. He’s a real world person, that has shown real world people (not fitness models), how to get in shape to do their very important jobs, and he is waiting to show you how to do the same…Watch “Iceman” as he travels around the country setting up a fitness workout, that is no joke. A fat burner and muscle builder program that will give you awesome results.

” I’m certain that if you follow this program with me for the next 30 days , you are going to make an amazing difference in your body and in your life. ”
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